Writing Policy Articles with Teniola Tayo

Writing Policy Articles with Teniola Tayo

You can watch the recording of the masterclass on policy writing below.

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Looking to establish thought leadership or demonstrate expertise through writing? Passionate about shaping public discourse or public policy with innovative ideas? If yes, this Policy Writing Masterclass is designed just for you.

Join Teniola Tayo, a researcher, writer, and policy analyst working at the intersection of trade, investment, and development in Africa, for an enlightening and hands-on masterclass on policy writing. A Chevening Scholar and WEF Global Shapers alumnus, Teniola brings a wealth of experience and in-depth understanding to policy writing, making this masterclass a must-attend event. The masterclass will focus on writing policy articles, which are shorter analytical pieces that are accessible to a wide audience. The masterclass will be held virtually, and delivered via Zoom. You can read some of Teniola’s writing here: https://aloinettadvisors.com/insights/

Date: Saturday, 24th June 2023
Time: 11:00am – 12:15pm WAT
Venue: Zoom – Register here

In this class, limited to just 30 participants, you’ll delve into the what, why, where, who, and how of policy writing. You’ll learn:

  1. The fundamentals of effective policy writing
  2. How to draft engaging and persuasive policy articles
  3. Techniques for conveying complex ideas in a clear, succinct manner
  4. How to position your articles to reach and influence the right audience

Though the masterclass is free to attend, the recording and slides will only be available at a fee post-event, providing a valuable resource for those who want to consolidate their learning or catch up on any missed content.

Register to attend the masterclass via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoc-yrqDkoEtenpTXgl6OrLXZhpQBxqsWz

If you have questions, please send an email to contact@aloinettadvisors.com.