Teniola T. Tayo
Teniola T. Tayo is a Policy Advisor with a focus on regional integration issues in Africa including the African Continental Free Trade Area and wider trade, investment, and development policies on the continent. She is the Principal Advisor at Aloinett where she leads work on trade, investment and development issues in Africa. She is currently the Trade Policy Fellow at the Africa Policy Research Institute and the Lead (Economic Intelligence) at Nigeria’s Office for Strategic Preparedness and Resilience. She has previously worked as a consultant with the Institute for Security Studies, Supply Chain Africa, United Nations Development Programme, and the West African think tank. She has also worked as a senior legislative aide with the Nigerian Senate and as a consultant with the Office of the Vice President. She has a Masters degree from the London School of Economics, a Bachelors degree from the University of Ghana, and completed a fellowship at the European University Institute’s School of Transnational Governance.
Short Articles (Analytical)
Tayo, Teniola T. “COP28: The Dual Imperatives of Africa’s Trade and Climate Goals.” Africa Policy Research Institute, December 1, 2023. https://afripoli.org/cop28-the-dual-imperatives-of-africas-trade-and-climate-goals
Tayo, T. T and Alameer, K. “How the AfCFTA and WTO can work towards sustainable investment in Africa.” World Economic Forum, December 1, 2023. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/12/afcfta-wto-work-towards-sustainable-investment-africa/
Tayo, Teniola T. “Nigeria’s foreign minister has his work cut out.” Premium Times, November 30, 2023. https://www.premiumtimesng.com/features-and-interviews/647779-analysis-nigerias-foreign-minister-has-his-work-cut-out.html
Tayo, Teniola T. and Martin, K. “The AfCFTA and the Vision for a Pan-African Investment Agency.” Africa Policy Research Institute, November 1, 2023. https://afripoli.org/the-afcfta-and-the-vision-for-a-pan-african-investment-agency
Tayo, Teniola T. “Trading into peace in Africa with the AfCFTA.” African Union ECHO Magazine 2023, pp 101 – 104. https://au.int/en/documents/20230910/au-echo-2023
Tayo, Teniola T. “The AfCFTA can help address African inequalities.” Africa Policy Research Institute, September 8, 2023. https://afripoli.org/the-afcfta-can-help-address-african-inequalities
Tayo, Teniola T. “Harnessing the AfCFTA for Increased German Investment in Africa.” Africa Policy Research Institute, July 19, 2023. https://afripoli.org/harnessing-the-afcfta-for-increased-german-investment-in-africa
Tayo, Teniola T. “President Bola Tinubu tackles Nigeria’s economy.” Institute for Security Studies, June 30, 2023. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/president-bola-tinubu-tackles-nigerias-economy
Tayo, Teniola T. “Coordinating investment promotion under the AfCFTA.” Africa Policy Research Institute, May 26, 2023. https://afripoli.org/coordinating-investment-promotion-under-the-afcfta
Tayo, Teniola. “Promoting investment to power Africa’s single market.” Institute for Security Studies, March 29, 2023. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/promoting-investment-to-power-africas-single-market
Tayo, Teniola. “Can EU investment revive Lake Chad Basin’s economy?” Institute for Security Studies, January 30, 2023. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/can-eu-investment-revive-lake-chad-basins-economy
Tayo, Teniola. “Ubuntu could help push Africa’s free trade agenda.” Institute for Security Studies, January 16, 2023. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/ubuntu-could-help-push-africas-free-trade-agenda
Tayo, Teniola. “The African Union needs the power of the people.” WATHI, January 13, 2023. https://www.wathi.org/tribune/the-african-union-needs-the-power-of-the-people/
Tayo, Teniola. “Industries can prosper in conflict-affected Lake Chad Basin.” Institute for Security Studies, September 5, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/industries-can-prosper-in-conflict-affected-lake-chad-basin
Tayo, Teniola. “Can Nigeria finance its war against insurgents?” Institute for Security Studies, August 25, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/can-nigeria-finance-its-war-against-insurgents
Tayo, Teniola. “Will Nigeria’s youth decide who wins the next elections?” Institute for Security Studies, July 14, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/will-nigerias-youth-decide-who-wins-the-next-elections
Tayo, Teniola. “Nigeria’s petrol subsidy is a climate issue.” Institute for Security Studies, June 20, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/nigerias-petrol-subsidy-is-a-climate-issue
Tayo, Teniola and Hoinathy, Remadji. “ISS Today: Rebuilding local economies can help defeat Boko Haram.” Institute for Security Studies, March 30, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/rebuilding-local-economies-can-help-defeat-boko-haram
Tayo, Teniola. “High stakes as Nigeria prepares for elections 2023.”Institute for Security Studies, March 11, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/high-stakes-as-nigeria-prepares-for-elections-2023
Tayo, Teniola. “No easy answers to Lake Chad Basin’s security dilemmas.” Institute for Security Studies, January 24, 2022. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/no-easy-answers-to-lake-chad-basins-security-dilemmas
Tayo, Teniola. “Maiduguri’s economic revival could be a lifeline for Lake Chad Basin.” Institute for Security Studies, October 21, 2021. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/maiduguris-economic-revival-could-be-a-lifeline-for-lake-chad-basin
Tayo, Teniola and Odijie, Michael. “Nigeria needs a new industrial strategy.” Africa at LSE, September 10, 2021. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2021/09/10/nigeria-needs-new-industrial-strategy-manufacturing-economic-plan/
Tayo, Teniola. “Nigeria’s north needs jobs, not oil.” Institute for Security Studies, August 10, 2021. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/ubuntu-could-help-push-africas-free-trade-agenda
Tayo, Teniola. “Will Africa’s free trade area increase inequalities? Africa at LSE, June 18, 2021. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2021/06/18/will-african-continental-free-trade-area-afcfta-increase-inequalities-issues/
Tayo, Teniola. “An African agenda at the World Trade Organization.” Institute for Security Studies, March 1, 2021. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/an-african-agenda-at-the-world-trade-organization
Tayo, Teniola. “Africa’s free trade agreement: great expectations, tough questions.” Equal Times, February 11, 2021. https://www.equaltimes.org/africa-s-free-trade-agreement?lang=en
Tayo, Teniola. “Economics alone isn’t holding back West Africa’s Eco.” Institute for Security Studies, November 20, 2020. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/economics-alone-isnt-holding-back-west-africas-eco
Short Articles (Blog)
Tayo, Teniola. “#EndSARS to #EndSWAT: Nigeria needs real change.” Africa at LSE. October 16, 2020. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2020/10/16/endsars-to-endswat-nigeria-needs-real-change/
Tayo, Teniola. “What Thandika Mkandawire taught me about African development.” Africa at LSE. May 6, 2020. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2020/05/06/thandika-mkandawire-taught-me-about-african-international-development-obituary/
Tayo, Teniola. “L’Afrique ou l’enfant à problèmes du monde, et ce qu’en pense une Africaine”. WATHI, March 2, 2020. https://www.wathi.org/laboratoire/lafrique-ou-lenfant-a-problemes-du-monde-et-ce-quen-pense-une-africaine/
Tayo, Teniola. “Africa as the World’s Problem Child and how I feel about it as an African.” Oxfam From Poverty to Power, February 13, 2020. https://frompoverty.oxfam.org.uk/africa-as-the-worlds-problem-child-and-how-i-feel-about-it-as-an-african/
Tayo, Teniola. “On Biafra: Please Don’t Go Your Own Way.” Medium, September 20, 2017. https://aloinett.medium.com/on-biafra-please-dont-go-your-own-way-cded148232c0
Full Reports
Tayo, T. T. (2023). “Understanding Nigeria’s Fiscal Challenges.” Office for Strategic Preparedness and Resilience (OSPRE). https://aloinettadvisors.com/portfolio/policy-brief-nigeria-fiscal-challenges/
Tayo, T. T. (2023). “Navigating Nigeria-China Relations with the AfCFTA.” Dataphyte. https://www.dataphyte.com/latest-reports/policy-brief/nigeria-courting-china-in-the-afcfta-courtyard-policy-brief/
Tayo, T. T. (2023). “The Road to Africa’s Single Market: Progress so far and challenges for the future.” Africa Policy Research Institute. https://afripoli.org/the-road-to-africas-single-market-progress-so-far-and-challenges-for-the-future
Adeleke, A. and Tayo, T. T. (2022). “AfCFTA Implementation – Supply Chains and Insecurity.” Supply Chains Africa. https://aloinettadvisors.com/portfolio/policy-brief-afcfta-implementation/
Hoinathy, Remadji and Tayo, Teniola. “West Africa Report: Lake Chad Basin: socio-economic resilience in the shadow of Boko Haram.” Institute for Security Studies, March 29, 2022. https://issafrica.org/research/west-africa-report/lake-chad-basin-socio-economic-resilience-in-the-shadow-of-boko-haram
Book Chapters
Tayo, T. Helping Young People Lead Nigeria’s Renaissance. In The Great Disruption. (in view)
Tayo, T. and Odijie, M. (2023). The Central African Economic Monetary Community. In Monyae, D. and Nkala, S. (Ed.). The Quest for Unity: An Appraisal of Regional Integration in Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: Jacana Media.
Tayo, T. and Odijie, M. (2023). The AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods. In Monyae, D. and Nkala, S. (Ed.). The Quest for Unity: An Appraisal of Regional Integration in Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: Jacana Media.